Goodwill Loan Program

To provide financial assistance at the right time for a deserved individual and to bring back the HOPE in their life

Students, Small and micro entreprenuers

Basically, all of those who lost hope in their endeavours and the major cause for it being the financial support are eligible to apply for the Goodwill Loan program. Given that the available funds are small, the program aims to afford the small needs of students, small and micro entrepreneurs.

The program is active from the academic year 2005-06.

4 questions to answer

  • Q1: Tell us about the various aspects of your life so far. Provide more details and cover as much information about you as you can.
  • Q2: What are your plans for future? How do you plan to realise them?
  • Q3: What are the current challenges that you are facing now, and that you expect in the future?
  • Q4: Where do you want to use the money that you get as part of the Goodwill Loan Program.


  • 1. The individual should send the essay responses to all the 4 questions in a document (.doc, .docx, .pdf) as an attachment to the e-mail Alternatively, physical applications can be sent to the Trust Address.
  • 2. There is no given word-limit for the essay answers. The work should & must be on their own. It should NOT be a fiction (or) story created for the purpose of the Loan.
  • 3. The individual is NOT selected based on the quality of the English language. If needed, individuals can send reply in 'Telugu' language too.
  • 4. On the response sheet, individual should furnish their name, contact #, address, college details (for students) and e-mail address.

The applications are verified on case-by-case basis. Meetings, interviews will be conducted on need-basis and the loan will be provided.

Recipients of the loan are required to pay-back the money once they start earning (students) / getting profits (entreprenuers).